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  • Ingeborg van Harten

Podcast: How to Build an Irresistible Workplace

The focus of today's conversation is: How to create irresistible workplaces!

We covered a whole lot of ground, but if you listen to this conversation you will come out the otherside with a much clearer, no BS, view on what it takes to create truly incredible People Experience (PX) and genuinely irresistible workplaces.

Some of the things that came up:

  • Transparency is key

  • Utilise design principles

  • Excite people! (focus on challenges not outputs)

  • Put traditional performance reviews in the bin

  • Invest in Managers and build strong teams

  • Build culture before brand

  • Leverage the employee voice

  • Utilise skills from across the business to improve People Ops

Sooooo much great stuff in this 60-minute coffee chat!


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