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  • Ingeborg van Harten

Podcast: The Magic of Kindness in Building Thriving Working Environments

In today’s evolving workplace, creating environments where employees thrive both personally and professionally is paramount...

In this webinar, we'll get into everything you need to know about the topic of recruitment and AI. Whether you're simply curious about the potential of the technology - or are looking to get started with the right tools - we've covered everything you need to be aware of - from benefits and pitfalls to practical examples in daily recruitment workflows. 


👉 Key Learnings and Practical Takeaways:

1️⃣ Creating Irresistible Organisations Ingeborg shares her journey from a focus on external employer branding to realising the importance of internal culture. She explains how to create workplaces that are attractive both externally and internally, where employees want to stay and grow, thus becoming talent magnets.

2️⃣ The Role of Managers in Employee Well-being Ingeborg highlights the critical role of managers in supporting their teams' mental health. She discusses the importance of empathy and kindness, understanding personal circumstances, and fostering open communication within teams to build friendship, trust and enhance productivity.

3️⃣ Embracing Flexibility and Technological Advancements Gijs and Ingeborg discuss the benefits of integrating technology in HR processes, such as using Slack for team connectivity and ChatGPT for idea validation. Then, they go deeper into how to advocate for a flexible work environment that adapts to employees' needs, significantly boosting performance and job satisfaction.


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